Low variance extracted values suggest that measurement error may work against finding significant effects for these constructs.īenign behavior occurs by accident (e.g. Researchers can’t collect large-scale online data if consent is requiredDisagreement (0 Low variance High variance n=10, β1Remove unique individuals before sharing1.Ask (1) colleagues or (2) IRBs about research1.Remove subjects from datasets upon request1.Low variance is associated with homogenous surfaces and high variance with heterogeneity.Summer daytime has highest variance at all scales, while summer and winter nights have the lowest. Low variance ratios imply negative dependence, meaning that prices tend to overreact, whereas high variance ratios imply positive dependence, meaning that prices tend to follow short-term trends. Low variance would suggest a more consistent opinion by users and could be viewed as an important piece of information when evaluating and making a purchase decision. Low: variance of actual performance has been less than 5% in the last financial year Consistent weak controlsa.